Sunday, 23 June 2013

Strike while the iron is hot

I am the iron. I learnt a lot about a lot of useful tools today and I would like to put them in to action. I read some great inspiring articles that mostly all say that if you want to be a successful creative person, making a living out of your creativeness, you need to work hard for it, not in a bad way, just in a purposeful way.

I had always assumed that well known artists, musicians, designers or actors probably just flitted around doing what they enjoyed and somebody saw them and made them famous. That justified me not even trying to get anywhere with my hopeful creativeness. I find this is pretty much wholly untrue, which means I need to get my butt into gear and work to get my stuff out there.

There. That is the beginning of this time's attempt at getting it out there.

I said previously I would say more about Mum. The above photo is of a necklace which I made using Mum's lace. This is what all my work does. Mum, Vicki Taylor, is a hugely talented bobbin lace maker and all round textile artist. Her work inspires me to want to make stuff.. Any stuff. 
This is Mum hard at work learning to manipulate Perspex in a class we did together at ContextArt 2012. The above necklace used some of the techniques we learnt together.
This is Mum (right) with her good friend Francis Keevil. Francis owns a gallery in Double Bay, Sydney and has been very inspirational and encouraging for Mum in her art endeavours.

Right now I must snap to it and do some work on our Facebook site (The Studio) and figure out how to use Instagram.

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