Saturday, 6 July 2013

The passion of craft

So the project was completed. 

Many months ago I promised myself I would make pot mitts for a good friend as a house warming present. How simple are they? I asked myself. Anyhow, her house has long since been warmed and the pot mitts had been moved to the back of my mind again and again. 

What better project to be the first in my new space? It is symbolic of the completion of the room - the making of a house warming gift, they're simple to make and it is satisfying to complete a project so quickly.

Out comes the sewing machine and a selection of fabrics. 
I did purchase a couple of samples at a local shop where the total cost of my purchases came to $22.36. I handed over $22.35 in cash and the young girl looked at me and said "it comes to $22.36". I chuckled and said  "well, would you like to round that up or down?". She frowned, then looked at me anxiously and said, "up?". I handed her another 5 cents.

All my fabric samples had been scrunched up in boxes for so long that everything needed ironing.
I am not one for meticulous measuring and perfect cutting. Quilting generally requires both of these skills. If you ignore both of these processes the stitching becomes more awkward. I put up with it though as it is only a small piece and it didn't become too misshapen. 
Usually I put off hand stitching on any projects, which of course leads to multiple unfinished objects in the cupboard. In this case I was on a roll, so I went on with a needle and thread and finished my pot mitt in one sitting.

Et voila!!


  1. The pot mitt looks absolutely lovely!!! I should put an order in for one. How are the sock savers going!!!?

    1. Unfortunately I made a trip to a big shop in town and found very cheap sock protectors that I couldn't hope to compete with. I haven't seen any pot mitts like mine though :)
